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Apr 15, 2010

"An Art of Helping"

I know most people have been to the hospital. Most of us consults doctors or do our regular check ups. Others go there for laboratories and test while others are for confinement or emergency cases. Like when I was hospitalized due to urinary problem a lot of this nurses and medical assistant really took good care of me. And some of them are really patience enough to wait and assist me during the ultrasounds and laboratories.

There’s one thing that bothers me and I keep thinking about it. What was the difference between nurses and medical assistants aside from wearing white clothes?

Nurses and medical assistants are sometimes mistakenly thought that they are the same but actually there are differences between these two. A nurse is more inclined with assisting the doctors with patients need medical attention, especially when there’s an operation while a medical assistant mainly deals with clerical works for the doctors. Though there are differences, still, nurse and medical assistant are one good examples of the art medicines and of helping.



"Making Changes"

It's been more than months since I really make some changes on this blog and maybe it's about time to make another changes. My hands has been cranky this past few months I don't if I can make another masterpiece. And also I'll be starting to give some tips and tricks in graphics or on canvas. So better check back now and then because there will be great changes here. Good day!


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